

Shelby Tupper ’80 remembers the moment she went all in on a lifelong friendship with Barbara Novogradac.

In 2006, 谢尔比的儿子, 格雷森的18, 当时谁在一年级, wanted to come home from his first-ever sleepover at his new friend John Novogradac’s ’18 house. He was feeling homesick and though it was late, Barbara didn’t hesitate to pick up the 电话.

谢尔比回忆说:“她打电话的时候格雷森就在她旁边. 她对他和蔼可亲,平等相待. 芭芭拉对我说, ‘We’ve got some things going on here and Grayson is considering whether he would like to stay or go home.’”谢尔比注意到,她的声音里没有一丝羞愧, 不蒙羞, 只是一个简单的事实和一个祝福格雷森的愿望. 格雷森没过夜就走了还有芭芭拉, 作为一个好朋友, 坚持要自己开车送他回家.  


Barbara June Novogradac was a remarkable person, remembered for her profound wisdom, wit, and humor. She was a powerful force, providing comfort and guidance to family and friends. “Truly she seemed to touch everyone in her life in some special and meaningful way, 给每个人留下一点智慧, 或见解, 或者只是对一些有趣的事情笑一笑,“玛娃·赖夫, 芭芭拉的嫂子在芭芭拉的《4001百老汇会员登录》一书中分享了这一观点. 克丽丝蒂Farnham-Thompson, 学生健康与支持 department chair and 较低的学校 Learning Specialist, 承认芭芭拉的影响, describing her as an influential presence who challenged and inspired others to do better. 

Sadly, Barbara’s courageous battle with pancreatic cancer came to an end last summer. 她的遗产永存, 然而, in her passionate advocacy for students with learning differences and their families.


在21世纪初, Barbara played a pivotal role in growing and expanding the Learning Difference Network (LDN) at Head-Royce—an invaluable resource that works hand-in-hand with parents and guardians, 老师, 和学习专家,以提高所有海德罗伊斯学生的经验. She became chair of the LDN, working side-by-side with other parent volunteers.

在芭芭拉的远见和领导下, the LDN helped foster an environment that promoted empathy and normalized neurodiversity in our community. “Part of Barbara’s gift to the School was her understanding that students should be aware of each other. 她欣赏所有的观点和观点,并希望给父母, 学生和更广泛的社区有工具来揭开面具. 她对各个方面都考虑得很周全,埃里希·塔珀分享道, 前LDN志愿者,18届格雷森和16届雷明顿的父母.

在一起, 还有其他家长志愿者, Barbara and her team realized that there must be other families struggling like theirs. Barbara's vision extended beyond individual families; she aimed to make the LDN a comprehensive resource benefiting everyone at the school. 芭芭拉将LDN提升到了一个新的水平,并在全校范围内推广. Her perspective was that it should not serve one family at a time but everyone, 一直以来,埃里希·塔珀说. 

This school is a stronger and more supportive institution for all students because of her,法纳姆-汤普森谈到芭芭拉的贡献时说. 几十年后, 学习差异网络仍然是一个蓬勃发展的信息资源, 经验, 和家长, 监护人和教师教育.


为了纪念芭芭拉, the Novogradac family established a gift in 2023 to support students with learning differences at Head-Royce学校. This generous contribution ensures increased funding for students with learning differences, 延续了芭芭拉改变学生生活的承诺.

Barbara is fondly remembered for her inviting presence and captivating speaking style, 尽管她很有魅力, 她从不追求聚光灯. 她按照自己的行为准则生活. ‘Be a workhorse, not a show horse,’ was a favorite among her many quips of wisdom. “芭芭拉非常谦虚. 她是学校的合伙人, 不是十字军,沙哈娜·萨卡尔回忆道, 学术与社区学院院长. She simply wanted to make a difference in the lives of students and their families and worked diligently behind the scenes. 她会质疑为什么要用她的名字,15岁的查尔斯(CJ)开玩笑说, echoing the sentiment that Barbara cared more about making a difference for students, 她的努力没有得到认可. 

Her dedication to students with learning differences stemmed from her love for her own children—Elizabeth (Ellie) ’20, 18岁的John和15岁的CJ都是Head-Royce的终身囚犯. CJ很小的时候,芭芭拉有一天在校园里做志愿者. 她无意中听到他在图书馆看书——不太好, CJ坦白了——这促使她评估他的学习困难. His dyslexia diagnosis was the first step in her transformation into a fierce champion for all students with learning differences. 

事实上,她爱她的孩子,愿意为他们做任何事, 她愿意为别人的孩子做任何事,埃里希·塔珀回忆道. 谢尔比回忆起与芭芭拉的谈话,回忆起那个发现的时刻, 当一个人对自己有了新的认识. That moment of realization that there is a reason and a name for their challenges why they have been struggling about observing ‘that aha moment.’


在CJ的诊断期间, there was a growing national conversation and awareness of learning differences. 提倡住宿, 评估, 课堂管理的变化和期望也在增加. The world was on the cusp of a more scientific understanding of how the brain works. Barbara’s involvement with the LDN contributed to a shift in understanding within the entire HRS community. Some believe her work with the LDN completely changed the culture at the school.

The Novogradac family’s memorial gift in Barbara’s honor not only provides direct support to more students on campus but also enhances collaboration between learning specialists and classroom 老师 to improve outcomes for kids. 另外, 它将帮助家庭为他们的学生获得评估, 特别是那些表现出经济需要的人. 

The grant's impact extends further by facilitating the development of a transparent framework with which to support students who display behaviors associated with learning differences and further connects parents to the support they need to explore and assess.


Barbara Novogradac's legacy continues to shine brightly at Head-Royce学校 and beyond. Her selfless dedication to supporting students with learning differences and their families has created a more inclusive environment for all students and left an indelible and instrumental mark on the community. The Novogradac family's generous gift in her honor ensures that her vision lives on, 提供重要支持, 为有需要的学生提供资源和机会. 芭芭拉的影响将永远被珍惜, and her unwavering commitment to making a difference will inspire future generations to advocate for those who learn differently.